Building a React.js event log in a Rails admin panel

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Building a React.js event log in a Rails admin panel

Recently I talked with some awesome Rails developers about the Event Sourcing. We talked about introducing ES concept in a legacy Rails applications. That conversation inspired me to write a post about our experiences with the Event Sourcing. The most important thing to remember is that we don’t have to implement all blocks related to ES at the beginning (Aggregates, Read models, Denormalizers and so on). You can implement only one pattern and improve it slowly to full an Event Sourcing implementation. This strategy will involve small steps down a long road. This is how we work in the Arkency.


We have experimented with the Event Sourcing in couple client’s projects. Some time ago we launched our vision of an Event Store (we call it RES) which we use in customer’s applications. It help as a lot to start Event-think during implementation. This example will show you how to simply introduce an ES in a Rails app. We will create a simple events browser. We will collect events describing user’s registration. Events will be saved to streams, each stream per user. This way we will create a simple log.

The idea is to display events to the admin of the Rails app. We treat it as a “monitoring” tool and it is also first step to use events in a Rails application.

Backend part

We start by adding a rails_event_store gem to our Gemfile (installation instructions). Next thing is that we need some events to collect. We have to create an event class representing a user creation. To do this we will use the class provided by our gem.

class UserCreated < RailsEventStore::Event; end

Now we need to find place to track this event. I thing that UsersController will be the best place. In the create method we build new User’s model. As event_data we save information about user and some additional data like controller name or IP address.

class UsersController < ActionController::Base
  after_filter :user_created_event, only: :create

  def create
    #user registration

  def event_store
    @rails_event_store_client ||=


  def user_created_event
    stream_name = "user_#{}"
    event_data = {
      data: {
        user: {
          login: current_user.login
        remote_ip: request.remote_ip,
        controller: controller_name,
    event_store.publish_event(, stream_name)

The last thing is to implement a simple API to get information about streams and events.

class StreamBrowsersController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def get_streams
    render json:

  def get_events
    render json: event_store.read_all_events(params[:stream_name])

Frontend part

Instead of using Rails views we will use React’s components. I created four components. The view structure you can see on following schema.

I use coffeescript to build components. As you can see on following example I use requirejs to manage them. Recently we launched a great book about React where you can read more about our experiences with React and coffeescript. Of course you could go with JSX as well.

define (require) ->
  React = require('react')
  {div, a, li, ul, nav} = React.DOM

  Pagination = React.createClass
    displayName: 'Paginator'

    previousHandler: ->

    nextHandler: ->

    render: ->
      nav null,
          className: 'pager'
          li null,
            a({onClick: @previousHandler, href: "#"}, 'Previous')
          li null,
            a({onClick: @nextHandler, href: "#"}, 'Next')

  Streams = React.createClass
    displayName: 'Stream'

    clickHandler: ->

    render: ->
      div null,
        a({onClick: @clickHandler, href: "#"},

  Event = React.createClass
    displayName: 'Event'

    render: ->
        className: 'list-group'
          className: 'list-group-item'

  Events = React.createClass
    displayName: 'Events'

    render: ->
      div null,
        for event in
          React.createElement Event,
            key: event.table.event_id
            event: event.table

  ShowStreams = React.createClass
    displayName: 'ShowStreams'

    getInitialState: ->
      events: []
      selectedStream: null
      streamsPage: 0
      eventsPage: 0

    onStreamsClicked: (stream_key) ->
      callback = (data) =>
        @setState selectedStream: stream_key, events: data, eventsPage: 0, callback)

    onNextStreamPage: ->
      if @props.streams[@state.streamsPage + 1]
        @setState streamsPage: @state.streamsPage + 1

    onPreviousStreamPage: ->
      if @props.streams[@state.streamsPage - 1]
        @setState streamsPage: @state.streamsPage - 1

    onNextEventsPage: ->
      if[@state.eventsPage + 1]
        @setState eventsPage: @state.eventsPage + 1

    onPreviousEventsPage: ->
      if[@state.eventsPage - 1]
        @setState eventsPage: @state.eventsPage - 1

    render: ->
        className: 'container'
          className: 'row'
            className: 'col-md-4'
            React.createElement Pagination,
              key: 'stream_paginator'
              onNext: @onNextStreamPage
              onPrevious: @onPreviousStreamPage
            className: 'col-md-8'
            React.createElement Pagination,
              key: 'event_paginator'
              onNext: @onNextEventsPage
              onPrevious: @onPreviousEventsPage
          className: 'row'
            className: 'col-md-4'
            for val in @props.streams[@state.streamsPage]
              React.createElement Streams,
                onClick: @onStreamsClicked
            className: 'col-md-8'
            if @state.selectedStream != null
              React.createElement Events,
                key: 'events'

Last thing is to render above components on the view. I created an additional class to build the ShowStreams component and render it on the page. I implemented it this way because we use the react-rails gem in version 0.12. In newer version you can use react_component helper to render component on server side. This makes using easier to start with React with Rails views.

define (require) ->
  React = require('react')

  {ShowStreams} = require('./components')
  Storage = require('./storage')

  class App
    run: =>
      @storage = new Storage()
      callback = (data) =>
        mountNode = document.querySelector '.streams'
        ShowStreams = React.createFactory ShowStreams
        React.render(ShowStreams({streams: data, storage: @storage}), mountNode)
= content_for :bottom_js do
    $(function() {
      require(['admin/streams/app'], function(App) { = new App();;

The last piece of the puzzle is the Storage class. This simple class is responsible for calling the API using Ajax.

define (require) ->
  class Storage

    constructor: ->

    get_events: (stream_key, callback) =>
      $.getJSON('/admin/stream_browsers/get_events', stream_name: stream_key).done (data) =>
        callback(@paginateData(data, 20)._wrapped)

    get_streams: (callback) =>
      $.getJSON '/admin/stream_browsers/get_streams', (data) =>
        callback(@paginateData(data, 20)._wrapped)

    paginateData: (data, count) ->
      //this method split streams and events data into chunks. It is needed to pagination

What next?

The above example shows how simple is to introduce events in you app. For now it is only simple events log. We started to collect events related to User model. We don’t build state from this events. Although you can use them in some Read models. In next step you can collect all events related to User. Then you will be able to treat User as a Aggregate and build state from events.

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