Domain Events Schema Definitions

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Domain Events Schema Definitions

When we started three years ago publishing Domain Events in our applications, we were newbies in the DDD world. I consider the experiment to be very successful but some lessons that had to be learned the hard way.

At the very beginning, we were just publishing events. We didn’t think much about consuming them. We haven’t yet considered them a very powerful mechanism for communication between the application subsystems (called Bounded Contexts in DDD world). And we didn’t think much about how those events would evolve in the future.

Nowadays, one of our events has 18 handlers. And I believe this number will continue growing.

We also started using domain events in many smaller test i.e. tests for one class or one sub-system.

So at some point in time, it became necessary that what we publish in code, what we expect in tests and what we use to set up a state in tests has the same interface. All those events should contain the same attribute names and the same types of values in them.

For that I used classy_hash gem which raises useful exceptions when things don’t match.

class PaymentNeedsMoreTime < RailsEventStore::Event
  SCHEMA = {
    order_id:             Integer,
    payment_id:           Integer,
    payment_gateway_name: String,
    seconds_needed:       Integer,

  def self.strict(data, **attr)
    ClassyHash.validate(data, SCHEMA)
    new(data, **attr)

I tried an approach in which the event schema is validated in a constructor phase (new/initialize) but later decided against it. In a few very rare cases we might be OK with an event which is not completely full (not all attributes are present). When we get historical events from event store we don’t want (or need) to verify the schema as well.

So instead when you want to verify the schema (in 97% of cases) you should just use the strict method to create the event instead of new.

stream_name = "payment_#{}"
event = PaymentNeedsMoreTime.strict(
  order_id: payment.order_id,
  payment_gateway_name: "v8",
  seconds_needed: 30*60*60,
client.publish_event(event, stream_name)

classy_hash supports nullable keys (value is nil), optional keys (value not present), multiple choices, regular expressions, ranges, lambda validations, nested arrays and hashes.

I know some people who use dry-types for defining events’ schema and they were happy with that library as well.

With 220 domain events that we already publish, with every new that I add, I remember to define its schema. That way it’s much easier for every other team member to know what they can expect in those events just by looking at their definition.

Check out our rails_event_store gem if you want to start publishing domain events as well.

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