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Domain-Driven Design
Ruby on Rails
Async Remote
domain event
Rename stream in Rails Event Store with zero downtime
Mirosław Pragłowski
April 27, 2020
domain-driven design
rails event store
domain event
Legacy Rails DDD Migration strategy — from read models, through events to aggregates
Andrzej Krzywda
February 24, 2020
domain-driven design
read model
domain event
Correlation id and causation id in evented systems
Robert Pankowecki
May 14, 2018
domain-driven design
domain event
Make your Ruby code more modular and functional with polymorphic aggregate classes
Andrzej Krzywda
October 16, 2017
domain-driven design
event sourcing
domain event
Passive aggresive events - code smell
Andrzej Krzywda
May 25, 2017
domain-driven design
domain event
Event sourced domain objects in less than 150 LOC
Mirosław Pragłowski
December 30, 2016
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
How we save money by using DDD and Process Managers in our Rails app
Jakub Rozmiarek
October 11, 2016
domain-driven design
rails event store
domain event
Domain Events over Active Record Callbacks
Robert Pankowecki
May 13, 2016
active record
domain-driven design
domain event
The anatomy of Domain Event
Mirosław Pragłowski
May 9, 2016
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
Testing aggregates with commands and events
Andrzej Krzywda
February 19, 2016
domain-driven design
domain event
One event to rule them all
Mirosław Pragłowski
January 26, 2016
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
test-driven development
Testing Event Sourced application - the read side
Mirosław Pragłowski
September 22, 2015
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
test-driven development
Testing an Event Sourced application
Mirosław Pragłowski
July 7, 2015
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
test-driven development
Subscribing for events in railseventstore
Mirosław Pragłowski
June 12, 2015
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
Using domain events as success/failure messages
Mirosław Pragłowski
May 15, 2015
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
Introducing Read Models in your legacy application
Rafał Łasocha
May 14, 2015
read model
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
Building a React.js event log in a Rails admin panel
Tomasz Rybczyński
May 13, 2015
domain event
Building an Event Sourced application using railseventstore
Mirosław Pragłowski
May 5, 2015
rails event store
event sourcing
domain event
The Event Store for Rails developers
Tomasz Rybczyński
April 21, 2015
event store
domain event
How to use Greg's Event Store from ruby
Tomasz Rybczyński
March 27, 2015
event store
domain event
Stream pagination in Greg's Event Store
Tomasz Rybczyński
March 24, 2015
event store
domain event
Your solid tool for event sourcing - EventStore examples
Tomasz Rybczyński
March 12, 2015
event store
domain event
Explaining Greg's Event Store
Tomasz Rybczyński
March 12, 2015
event store
domain event
Why use Event Sourcing
Mirosław Pragłowski
March 10, 2015
event sourcing
domain event
Fast introduction to Event Sourcing for Ruby programmers
Tomasz Rybczyński
March 9, 2015
domain event
You get feature toggle for free in event-driven systems
Jakub Rozmiarek
March 6, 2015
event store
domain event